Who are we?

The main task of the service eTaxi24 is to provide fast connection between the passenger and the taxi driver, without any intermediaries.

There is no longer any need to choose a suitable taxi service from numerous offers and call or send messages to the dispatcher. eTaxi24 service in real-time regime provides passengers with a taxi driver using a mobile application for a taxi and the mobile Internet. No phone calls and sms. The service eTaxi24 is absolutely free of charge!

Moreover, taxi order via internet is sent not only to a single taxi service, but to all free taxi drivers whose location is the nearest to the client, with the price category, chosen and mentioned by the passenger. With the help of service eTaxi24, passengers do not need to choose a taxi with a suitable price any more, they don’t have to make the phone calls to the taxi services or send the message. No more inconvenience, connected with the taxi order!

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